Superfighters arcade rpg game fighting 1 or 2 players
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Game controls: Use arrow keys - to select what you want in game menu; Use spacebar - to confirm your choice; Player 1: Arrow keys - to move; N - to punch; M - to shoot; , - grenade; . - reload weapons; Player 2: W, A, S, D - to move; 1 - to punch; 2 - to shoot; 3 - grenade; 4 - reload.
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Description, walkthrough, how to play in this game:Be a Super Fighter. Fight against computer or against your friend. You can join a team with your friend and fight against computers opponents. Who stay alive that will win. Two mode: stage or vs. mode. (Control keys of this game you can see above)
Superfighters arcade rpg game fighting 1 or 2 players image play free
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